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2024 Call for County Caucus and Central Committee Meeting 01.19.2024

Updated: Apr 29

On 1.19.2024 a call for Caucus by the County Chairman was emailed to the Precinct members and mailing list, placed on Facebook (Carbon County Wyoming Republican Party page), the CCRPWY Web page, and Posted in the Saratoga Sun (Week of 1-15-2024). The call for caucus included notice of the number of delegates for the Carbon County Convention totaling 100. The Caucus would be held at a central location: Jeffrey Memorial Center in Rawlins WY (315 W Pine St, Rawlins, WY 82301). It would take place on the 3rd of February 2024 from 9:00 AM until 12:00 (Noon or UTC).

Delegation allotment to County Convention

01-01 4

01-02 4

02-01 8

02-02 8

03-01 4

03-02 8

04-01 4

05-01 4

06-01 4

07-01 4

08-01 4

09-01 4

10-01 4

11-01 12

11-02 8

12-01 4

13-01 4

14-01 4

15-01 4

2 Paths for the Precincts to Hold Their Caucuses:

PATH #1 - Have all members of your precinct join the centralized county caucus: on Saturday, February 26th at the Jefferies Center in Rawlins:

This option provides the location, official notification, and the majority of the leadership team of the county party to be on hand to assist in navigating the process of the caucus. The only requirements incumbent on the precinct is attendance, access to materials (bring copies of by-laws, planform, blank paper for notes, etc...), and internal selection of a caucus chairman as well as 2 delegates and 2 alternates to the county convention for each precinct representative position in your precinct. Additionally, there will be an official Carbon County Central Committee Meeting immediately following the centralized caucuses to discuss the business of the party and to educate and prepare for the County Convention on February 24th, 2024.

PATH #2 - Conduct an independent precinct caucus in your own Carbon County precinct

This option will require each precinct that chooses it to plan and execute all details of caucuses in accordance with State Statute and Party By-Laws, and within the windows set by the RNC as well as positing or newspaper posting requirements, etc.

Included Documents:

News Paper Posting:

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