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CCRP Resolutions

Your voice is important, and at the grass roots level one of the tools we have is writing, passing, and pushing resolutions. In law, a resolution is a written motion adopted by a deliberative body. The substance of the resolution can be anything that can normally be proposed as a motion. For long or important motions, though, it is often better to have them written out so that discussion is easier or so that it can be distributed outside the body after its adoption. An alternate term for a resolution is a resolve.

Resolutions are commonly used in corporations and houses of legislature.


Contacting your precinct committeeman or woman is a great way to start this process!!

CCRP R2023.0001 


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Carbon County Republican Party supports the formal election
complaint provided and further supports the issue of the Wyoming Democrat Party State Chairman
Election practice be investigated and addressed so that the State Statute, Constitution, and Supreme
Court decision are being equally considered and applied to all Political Parties major and minor; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Carbon County Republican Party demands that State Statute - Title 22,
Chapter 4, Article 1 and Article 3 are either amended, clarified, combined, or repealed to ensure the
independent and equal operation of all political parties in accordance with the recent Wyoming
Supreme Court decision in case number S-22-0210.

CCRP R2024.0001 


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, In an effort to secure the best possibility for good governance through a conservative posture and embrace the mandate sent to our Representatives and Senators through the vote of the people of the Great State of Wyoming in the primary election, The Carbon County, Wyoming Republican Party hereby endorses the following liberty minded constitutionally conservative candidates, who represent a wide swath of our “small town with long streets”, while always keeping one eye on We The People and the other eye on our timeless truths, for legislative leadership in the 68th legislative term:


SENATE –                                                                                             HOUSE –

President – Larry Hicks                                                            Speaker – Chip Neiman
Vice President – Cheri Steinmetz                                            Majority Floor Leader – Scott Heiner
Majority Floor Leader – Brian Boner                                       Speaker Pro Tempore – Jeremy Haroldson
                                                                                                    Majority Whip – Ocean Andrew

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Carbon County, Wyoming Republican Party truly believes that this proposed slate of leaders is the best opportunity for principled conservative governance in the 2025-2026 legislative sessions, as these individuals represent a well-rounded, even-handed, and even-headed team of well-respected and intensely effective legislators who (win or lose) have always displayed an ability to work with all sides, finding real solutions, while maintaining a solid defense of conservative principles. Some may call them the “Right Wing of Wyoming” when in fact they truly are the Right Thing for Wyoming!

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