CCRP Standing Rules
These rules are considered main motions. They do not need previous notice to be adopted by a majority vote. They can be suspended for the duration of a meeting and can be rescinded without previous notice by a two-thirds vote, and majority vote with previous notice. These rules remain in effect until the assembly rescinds them.
CCRP SR2023.01
Administrative Spending
The Chairman or Treasurer may expend funds for the purposes of paying for regular or reoccurring spending of the CCRP in the performance of scheduling and conducting meetings.
Examples include expending money for venues, newspaper postings, printing documents, office supplies, banking fees, and equipment. As spending occurs it will be reported and adopted at the next regularly called CCRP meeting.
Unanimously Passed 24th of June 2023
CCRP SR2023.02
Fundraising Spending
The Chairman or Treasurer may expend funds not to exceed 500.00 dollars in his current term for the purposes of fundraising and growing the party.
Examples include direct mailing, postage, merchandise for auctions, handouts (pocket constitutions, platforms, Declaration of Independence, etc.), or printing flyers. As spending occurs it will reported and adopted at the next regularly called CCRP meeting.
Unanimously Passed 24th of June 2023
CCRP SR2024.01
Committee Vacancy Appointments
The executive committee will not appoint a precinct committee vacancy before the appointee attends a meeting for introduction and shows up to the next consecutive County Central Committee meeting.
Unanimously Passed 28th of August 2024​